I’ve put some resources and tools together including tools to check your domain reputation and the spaminess of your messaging, and info on configuring your DNS settings.

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    “Unless you have hard data and analytics on your delivered email, chances are that less than 50% of the cold email marketing messages you send are actually being delivered to your prospects inbox. And in the vast majority of cases, you wouldn’t even know.."

    Paul Schmidt

    What you get:

    Tools to check your domain reputation and the spamminess of your messaging, and info on configuring your DNS settings, as well as my 6 Best Practices for email content and formatting.

    The Bigger Issue

    If you’re sending your marketing messages from your main email address, your non-marketing emails may also be getting marked as spam. Things like auditions. Invoices. Notes to clients. Project files.

    Ever had this issue? Clients just don’t receive stuff you’ve sent them, or days later find it in their spam folder, and you have no idea why?

    Yeah. This is why.